SOHC2022-Conference Report
- June 13, 2022
- abraru
- 0

The Somali One Health Centre of Abrar University would like to thank first and foremost the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, for his contribution to the success of the 1st Somali One Health Conference (SOHC2022) and for his willingness to continue to support the education sector of Somalia.
Special thanks were extended to the Hon. Mohamed Adam Moalim Ali, Minister of Livestock, Forestry and Range; Hon. Abdirahman Mohamud Abdulle Jaabir, State Minister of Education, Culture and Higher Education; and Dr. Ahmed Hussein Moallin, Deputy Minister of Health, for their support in making this conference possible and for their commitment toward quality education and good health and wellbeing for the Somali community.
We would like to thank all participants, delegates, invited speakers, media, sponsors, friends, and colleagues for joining us at SOHC2022 for the 3 days of learning, knowledge sharing, and networking. Thank you for your collaborative spirit, your passion for change, and your willingness to continue learning with and from each other.
We would also like to recognize the hard work and wonderful efforts of all Abrar University staff members and students, as well as the conference organizing and scientific committees, who have contributed to the development, shaping, and running of this year’s conference.
We thank Dr. Aamir Muse Osman for drafting this report and Prof. Dr. Abdalla Mohamed Ibrahim and Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Abdikadir for their written contributions. Further updates, as well as videos and PowerPoint presentations, may be found on the website
Finally, we would like to invite all of you to the 2nd Somali One Health Conference in 2024 (# SOHC2024), and its location will be announced later.