Global One Health Day 2021
- November 1, 2021
- abraru
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Abrar University is proud to participate in the 6th Annual World One Health Day. Thanks to all those that were able to join us for our Global One Health Day event on 3rd Nov 2021. You are an important part of this special event and we sincerely appreciate your attendance!
For those of you who were unable to attend, please follow the recorded event below:
Global One Health Day 2021 Event
Global One Health Day at Abrar University – 2021 educates participants on the urgent need for a One Health collaborative, multi-sectoral and transdisciplinary approaches towards solving today’s critical global health challenges. The event topics include Overview of One Health concept, capacity building for One Health approach, Antimicrobial Resistance, and past & ongoing One Health researches in Somalia at Abrar University.
One Health Day is a global campaign initiated in 2016 by the One Health Commission, the One Health Initiative and the One Health Platform to raise awareness about the One Health approach to complex health problems at the human-animal-environment interface
4:00-4:15pm (EAT): Welcome Message
Dr. Ahmed Abdulkadir Hassan-Kadle, BVSc, MSc, PhD, Postdoc
Abrar University, Somalia
Keynote Speakers
- 4:15-4:45pm (EAT): One Health Concept
Dr. Farah Isse Mumin, DVM, MSc
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom - 4:45-5:15pm (EAT): Capacity building for One Health Approach
Prof. Dr. Rafael Felipe da Costa Vieira, DVM, MSc, PhD
Federal University of Paraná, Brazil - 5:15-5:45pm (EAT): Antimicrobial Resistance: A Threat to Human and Animal Health
Dr. Mohamed Abdelrahman Mohamed, DVM, MVPH
Somali National University, Somalia - 5:45-6:00pm (EAT): Abrar’s One Health Research – Past & Ongoing
Prof. Dr. Abdalla Mohamed Ibrahim, BVSc, MSc, PhD
Abrar University, Somalia
- Questions and Answers with the Speakers
Dr. Aamir Muse Osman, BVM, MSc student
Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

ATTENDANCE IS OPEN TO ALL! Registration closes 10am EAT on Wednesday, 3rd Nov, 2021.