Somalia One Health Centre

Global One Health Day is observed annually on November 3rd to raise global awareness about the One Health approach to complex health challenges involving people, animals, plants, and the environment.

This year, 2024, the Somali One Health Centre of Abrar University celebrates jointly with Nova Diagnostics and Research in Mogadishu, Somalia, to educate participants on the role of youth in promoting One Health actions in Somalia.

The theme for this year is Young people’s role in promoting One Health.

Speakers and Panelists

Dr. Ahmed A. Hassan-Kadle
Rector and Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Founder and President of Somalia One Health Centre
Abrar University, Somalia
Dr. Abdulrasaq Yusuf Ahmed
Director of Demartino Public Hospital
Ministry of Health, Somalia
Prof. Dr. Mohamed – Fuje
Chairman of the Somali Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
and Dean of the Postgraduate School, Benadir University, Somalia
H.E. Abdi Ahmed (Baafo)
Director of DhaxalReeb Center for Leadership Development
and Former Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Somalia
Dr. Abulkadir Abdi Mohamed
Chairman of Central Regions Livestock Professional Association
(CERELPA) – Somalia


Registration closes at 10 am EAT on Wednesday, 3rd Nov, 2024.